Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to Win at Life

Win at people, win at life. 

God is a person. Humans are people. According to the Westminster confession of faith, the purpose of life is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Your  raison d'être is a relationship. So the better you are at relationships, the better you are at life. 

My hope for this post is that it encourages you to take your relationships more seriously. The vertical one, which is vital, and the horizontal ones, which allows the life and love you get vertically to flow out to everyone around you. 

As Christians, we are a nation set apart; a holy priesthood. What do priests do? They mediate the grace and glory of God to everyone else. 

We're the hands and feet of Christ in the world. 

We can't do our jobs properly unless we maintain a supply line to the grace and truth of our Lord through the Holy Spirit. There are certain things that act as exercises for us to keep that connection strong. 

Prayer, reading and meditating on scripture, acts of service, corporate worship, charitable giving, and other good works don't get us "in", but they are signs that an inner transformation has taken place. 

If you're sick to your stomach, you check what you've eaten. If you feel spiritually dry, you check your pipeline to the source, and you repair any leaks. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any unrepented sin in your life that's clogging the pipeline. He's faithful to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness, and restore your relationship as though it had never gone wrong. 

Recognize all the good gifts you've been given, and thank the Lord for them. 

Memorize some scriptures to act as shields from temptation. Your weapon isn't useful if it's out of ammo. Fill your magazine with truth bullets. 

Any more thoughts to add?

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